AirSafe Tracking Stream

Spire’s AirSafe Tracking Stream delivers the Target Updates as soon they are received and processed from both Satellite and Terrestrial sources in a data stream. It was designed to support multiple use cases:

The ADS-B capable aircraft transponders emit several messages with different bits of information several times per second. Spire’s satellites collect these messages that are procesed into a Target Update, that is an update for each ICAO address for each 5 second interval.

API Type Data type Available timespan
Stream API + REST API Live data Now - 24h

AirSafe Tracking History

Spire’s AirSafe Tracking History delivers recently acquired (with a 4 hour delay) and up to 3 months old Target Updates from both Satellite and Terrestrial sources via a REST endpoint delivering JSON formatted target updates. It can be used to retrieve historical data in a specific region, fleet or aircraft during a particular time for instance.

API Type Data type Available timespan
REST API Historical data 4h - 3 Months