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Version: 1.5.0

Example Usage


The SDK must be initialized before using it. All ADCS API operations performed through methods on the SdkApi object.

The following examples assume this code is present.

import time
from oort_sdk_client.api.sdk_api import SdkApi
from oort_sdk_client.models import (
AdcsCommandRequest, AdcsTarget, AdcsCommandResponse, AdcsHk,
AdcsResponse, TfrsResponse

agent = SdkApi()


TFRS (Time-Frequency Reference System) provides a highly accurate clock and position reading.

Age check

TFRS data is typically updated once per second. The age field indicates how long it has been since the Agent has received an update from the TFRS. It is not uncommon or a serious error for an update to occasionally be lost, but multiple updates getting lost may indicate a larger issue.

If the TFRS data is more than a few seconds old, discretion is advised before relying on it.

The code here checks the TFRS timestamp against the system clock and displays the difference, as well as displaying the position reported.

start = time.time()

tfrs_data = agent.get_tfrs()
# if the tfrs data isn't current, there may be some issue with
# the data feeds
if tfrs_data.age > 5:
print("TFRS data is too old, aborting.")

time_diff = tfrs_data.utc_time - start
print("TFRS time is {}, local time is {} difference {}"
.format(tfrs_data.utc_time, start, time_diff))
print("TFRS ECEF position is "
"{t.ecef_pos_x}, {t.ecef_pos_y}, {t.ecef_pos_z}"


ADCS (Attitude Determination And Control System) is a satellite subsystem that provides accurate attitude information about the spacecraft as well as a mechanism to re-orient the spacecraft.

The ADCS API provided by Spire Space Services allows customer payloads to access current attitude information and, if applicable, the ability to maneuver the spacecraft. In order for ADCS commands to take effect, a LEASE_ADCS must have been scheduled. Without this, the payload commands will never be acted on.

Reading current ADCS data

Using the get_adcs interface, the spacecraft surface position (i.e., the position directly beneath the satellite) can be obtained. This can be used for annotating data collections, or to check if the spacecraft is within specified geographic boundaries.

In this example, if the current position is not between 140 and 170 degrees east longitude and between 30 and 40 degrees south latitude, the job will exit.

adcs_data = agent.get_adcs()

target_area = {"lat": (-40, -30), "lon": (140,170)}

# if the current location is not over the target area, quit
print("Latitude: {:.2f} Longitude {:.2f}"
if not ((target_area['lat'][0] <= <= target_area['lat'][1]) and
(target_area['lon'][0] <= <= target_area['lon'][1])):
print("Satellite is outside the requested area. Exiting.")

Commanding a spacecraft maneuver

A maneuver can be requested using the command_adcs method.
A maneuver is always performed relative to a named aperture, which is an antenna, imager, or other instrument that needs to be pointed in the specified direction.

The result should always be checked to ensure that there were no errors in the request itself, and that the command was acknowledged and acted on by the control systems.

In addition, when the command is successful, the result will indicate the physical command mode that the control system will use. This command mode can be used for validating that the requested operation is the current in progress operation. (see below)

In this example, the satellite is commanded to NADIR orientation relative to the GOPRO aperture. Stated differently, "point the camera straight down."

Refer to your ICD for valid aperture names.

adcs_data = agent.get_adcs()

target_area = {"lat": (-40, -30), "lon": (140,170)}

# if the current location is not over the target area, quit
print("Latitude: {:.2f} Longitude {:.2f}"
if not ((target_area['lat'][0] <= <= target_area['lat'][1]) and
(target_area['lon'][0] <= <= target_area['lon'][1])):
print("Satellite is outside the requested area. Exiting.")

Maneuver tracking

When a maneuver is commanded, the spacecraft orientation cannot change instantly. The spacecraft's moment of inertia as well as its previous orientation limits how quickly a requested orientation can be attained. It is expected that it can take as much as 3 minutes for a orientation change to complete.

It is recommended that after a command is issued, adcs is periodically polled to wait for the requested orientation to be achieved;
control_error_angle_deg, which is the difference between the current measured orientation and the requested orientation, is ideal to check.

The maneuver can be disrupted in certain cases; see below for errors to check for.

while True:
adcs_data = agent.get_adcs()

print("Pointing error: {:.2f} degrees".format(
if < 0.5:
print("Desired pointing accuracy achieved")
# wait for time to pass

Performing an observation after a maneuver

Once the desired orientation has been attained, payload observations can be performed. Measurements from ADCS may be used to annotate the observations, so that they can be accurately matched up to earth positions in post-processing.

NOTE: The Imager interface is used here for illustration only. Refer to your ICD for the available interfaces.

# NOTE: The `Imager` interface is used here for illustration
# only. Refer to your ICD for the available interfaces.
from spire.imager import Imager, ACTION, BURST_3
imager = Imager()
image = imager.capture(mode=ACTION, best_shot_selector=BURST_3)
adcs_data = agent.get_adcs()
image.annotate(pos=adcs_data.r_ecef, orientation=adcs_data.qcf)

Clean up and deliver

After observations have been completed, ADCS can be commanded back to IDLE mode. This is not required and will be done automatically at the end of a payload window, but is suggested as an optimization of spacecraft activity.

Any created files to be sent to the ground can be transferred using the data pipeline API, which uses the same SdkApi interface as an entry point.


from oort_sdk_client.models import SendFileRequest, TTLParams, SendOptions
filerequest = SendFileRequest(
destination="ground", filepath=image.get_file(), topic="gopro",
options=SendOptions(TTLParams(urgent=1800, bulk=86400*14)))
send_response = agent.send_file(filerequest)
print("File sent with UUID {}".format(send_response.uuid))


Error Situations

A maneuver can be interrupted for various reasons. It is recommended to check for these situations to be able to take appropriate recovery actions and/or log the situations for later analysis.

These error checks should be included in the Maneuver tracking loop above.

Satellite moves out of position

The satellite is moving around the earth at close to 8km/s. The satellite may leave the target area before attaining the desired orientation. This case can be monitored by checking that the lat_deg and lon_deg values remain within their intended bounds.

This example checks the same condition tested at the beginning of the operation.

adcs_data = agent.get_adcs()
if not ((target_area['lat'][0] <= <= target_area['lat'][1]) and
(target_area['lon'][0] <= <= target_area['lon'][1])):
print("Satellite has left the area. Exiting.")

Maneuver taking too long

The satellite does take time to physically change orientation. It is recommended to wait up to 3 minutes while polling. If the desired state is not reached within this time frame, we recommend aborting the operation and logging appropriate information to identify the problem.

Note the reuse of tfrs_data obtained above.

current_tfrs_data = agent.get_tfrs()
if current_tfrs_data.utc_time - tfrs_data.utc_time > 180:
print("Command taking too long. Exiting.")

Control override

The satellite control systems may determine that another maneuver has a higher priority, for example to address a spacecraft fault. This can usually be detected by the active mode being changed while waiting for a maneuver to complete.

Is is important to note that due to the data feed mechanism the command mode reported in the get_adcs result will lag behind a successful command by a few seconds, and the command mode being different immediately afterward is expected. It is only an override situation if the command mode switches away from the physical mode indicated in the command result after it has already switched into that physical mode.

if mode_set:
if != feedback_mode:
print("ADCS command has been preempted ({}). Exiting."
if != feedback_mode:
print("ADCS mode request has not been updated, waiting")
mode_set = True